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The Darius Gant Show

Jan 20, 2022

Manufacturing and design firms continue to stumble upon novel use cases for artificial intelligence.  Today we learn more about how 3D imaging data is reducing supply chain complexity for manufacturing parts.


Startups also have an interesting challenge in acquiring the data necessary to train machine learning models. ...

Jan 12, 2022

There is always room for AI that improves the quality of human life.  In this case, we examine an artificial intelligence solution that is actually saving lives.  For stroke victims, the length of the process from scan to treatment is often the difference between life and death.  Today, many hospitals deal with...

Jan 5, 2022

AI is often referred to as a “black box” as AI practitioners struggle to explain why a model generates a given prediction.  As AI is being deployed into the real world, organizations are not only tasked with producing high performance models but also with avoiding AI models that are bias (and have a negative impact...